Tinko Czetwertynski . . . One of the beautiful shots from the latest trip in search of the 12 masters. Make a donation, support this project and get a print! https://www.generosity.com/fundraising/the-12-in-search-of-the-masters and of

Tinko Czetwertynski . . . One of the beautiful shots from the latest trip in search of the 12 masters. Make a donation, support this project and get a print! https://www.generosity.com/fundraising/the-12-in-search-of-the-masters . . . #tinkoczetwertynski #beirutlove #yanomami #tribes #indigenous #journey #insearchofthemasters #the12 #leciel #fundraising #weareone #beauty #documentaryphotography #artistfriends and #inspiration of #finecollectionofphotography

By |2017-07-26T14:02:28+00:00July 20th, 2017|Blog, instagram|
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